Friday, February 22, 2008

More Stock Picks: Bon-Ton Stores BONT

Before I put this pick out there, I should note my last pick done for the Securities Analysis class was a concrete manufacturer which took some damage from the whole housing crisis. I was right on my view for the next quarter's earnings and its impact on share price but was very, very wrong on the longer horizon.

This pick is one I did for the Seminar In Value Investing class. Its a great book and done from the Value Investing viewpoint as taught by Professor Bruce Greenwald at CBS.

They tell you in Value Investing to write down your views and track them to protect yourself from hubris. Releasing them to cyberspace should be even more effective. My pick:

The Yahoo Finance link (for your own research):


Nick Osinski said...

Hi there,

I didn't see another way of getting in-touch, so I hope that you don't mind me posting in your comments.

I came across your blog while scouring the web for new content for the MBA Association's new website. We recently relaunched the site (www.MBAAssociation.Org) and have added your blog as one of our feeds.

Our system provides an easy way for us to credit your work to you, but requires there to be a username to which we can assign the posts. If you would like to have a profile on the MBAA site associated to the blog posts that we source, then we would like to invite you to sign-up and inform us of your account.

Of course, if you would prefer that we not source your blog for content, then please let me know.

If you have any questions, then please don't hesitate to get in-touch.



Unknown said...

I didn't see another way to get in touch either, so I'll just follow in Nick's footsteps.

Was wondering if you might have time for a brief phone interview to help me out with a project I'm working on. I work for Clear Admit, a Philadelphia-based management admissions consultancy formed by business school grads. In addition to guiding prospective applicants through the MBA application process, Clear Admit also produces school guides on each of the top business schools. This year, the hope is to update the guides to include the experiences of current and recent students. (Until now, the guides have been mostly facts and figures.)

So, my ask: Could I talk you into spending 20 minutes or so on the phone with me sometime this week answering a few questions about your CBS experience? It will be painless, I promise. And we can make it as quick as you need it to be. I realize you're probably insanely busy -- I am behind on my deadline and can pretty much make myself available anytime it would be convenient for you to talk.

Just shoot me an email with a time or times that would work for you and the best number to reach you.

I so appreciate any help you can provide. (Did I mention that I am desperately behind on my deadline...and that it won't be long and might even be fun?)


Jeanette Brown
Clear Admit Lead Reporter
(551) 655-3079