This is a really good link for applicants on what Columbia is looking for. Average age 25!!! Glad I'm already in. think its pretty accurate. We are a finance school but the Core is good General Management.
Our training seems to be listening, sensing, organizational analysis rather than top-down strategy. You learn a lot from the clubs, group projects, Silfen speakers and the extra-curricular.. often more than some of the formal courses on soft skills.
Even recruiting while based in New York is good networking training (something I used to be very bad at and am improving on). Strangely enough, the soft style is a leadership style I never mastered prior to b-school.
Definitely very global and entrepreneurial, although some schools could edge us a little bit on the pure entrepreneurial stuff. Those schools aren't in a position to do recruitng the way we do it though and don't have the support for Finance...only Stern has a location advantage in the same league.
Happier with my choice than ever. Just got to get that full time offer from the Summer.